School Programs by Nancy Carol WillisReturn HOME
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School Programs

Nancy has visited with over 50,000 school children.

Nancy showing kids some bird nests

Her enthusiastic, interactive, curriculum-based programs tap into children's natural curiosity about the world around them. Nancy would love to present any of the programs listed below, or she can design a program to meet your school's curriculum needs.

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Nancy also offers in-service workshops for educators, Young Author Workshops and Career Day programs.

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Program Overview

Children showing off their books
  • Nancy can work with any size group; but prefers smaller groups that allow for one-on-one interaction, dialog and questions.
  • Up to five programs a day (including lunches with students, book signings, etc.) may be scheduled.
  • Programs for kindergarten are about 30 minutes in length. Programs for 1st grade and up are 45 to 50 minutes long.
  • Programs for Title I children and special programs for children with disabilities are available.
  • Teacher Workshops, Young Author Workshops and Career Day Programs are available.
  • Multi-day Residency Programs and multi-school programs are available.
  • Books are offered at a 25% discount when purchased through any school visit program. Book signings are encouraged.

Program Fees

  • $500 per day plus travel expenses for Delaware-area schools.
  • $600 per day plus travel expenses for schools nationwide.

Nancy visited 6000+ students last year

Program Descriptions

Nancy's expertise is writing and illustrating nonfiction nature and science books, magazine articles and educational materials for children and adults.

Click here to view some of Nancy's
writing and illustration

How a Nonfiction Picture Book is Made

Grades K to 6; one-half hour (K) to 45-minute program (1 – 6)

Using her three books as examples, Nancy will take children step-by-step through the process of planning and making a nonfiction picture book. Topics include: where authors get their ideas, researching the subject, creating a storyboard and dummy, working with a publisher, writing and editing, illustrating, and printing and binding. Nancy brings research photographs, specimens, and printers press sheets to share with the children.

Red Knot: A Shorebird's Incredible Journey

Grades K to 6; one-half hour (K) to 45-minute program (1 – 6)

Using her book's subject matter, Nancy tailors a program to curricula/student interest in birds, migration, Delaware Bay ecology, shorebirds, horseshoe crabs, Western Hemisphere geography, scientific research and bird banding. Includes photographs and games.

Nature Journals with Nancy

Grades 3 to 6; one to three one-hour workshops; ideally suited to a multi-day residency

For the first workshop, children will take clipboards and paper outdoors to make notes and sketches directly from nature. Emphasis is on using sensory detail, describing the properties, and making close-up sketches of their subjects. In the second workshop, children will write a paragraph using present tense and specific descriptive words. In the third workshop, children will learn design and color blending techniques to illustrate their Nature Journal pages.

Science Field Journal

Grades 7 through high school; one to three one-hour workshops

Similar in format to the Nature Journals program outlined above. In addition, children could combine secondary research with direct observation; or, children could design/re-design a wildlife/bird/butterfly habitat for their school as part of the project.

Animal Habits and Habitats

Kindergarten and Library programs; one-half hour to 45 minutes

Nancy shares her books and talks about the curious and amazing habits and habitats of the animals portrayed. Photographs and specimens enhance the presentation.

Nonfiction Writers Workshop

Grades 5 through 12; one hour program

Nancy presents 10 qualities of good expository (informative) writing, including: great beginnings, clear focus, strong support, logical flow, precise words, and vivid images. Each student brings a one-page example of nonfiction writing to class for sharing. Nancy will give positive feedback for improvement.

Make Your Own Illustrated Book

Grades 4 through high school; multi-day residency in nonfiction or fiction

Working individually or in teams of writers and illustrators, students will use webs and storyboards to plan the content and sequence of their books. Students will edit text using a variety of techniques such as similes, sensory details, and "show, don't tell" to make the story come alive. Fiction writers will develop characters, setting and plot. Nonfiction writers will learn how to use vocabulary, facts and numbers in context. Illustrators will design page spreads and assemble book dummies as the final product.

Nonfiction Doesn't Mean "No Fun!"

Grades 4 through high school; 45-minute program to multi-day residency

Using a person, place or recent event, students will develop a nonfiction essay. The essay will demonstrate use of sensory detail, descriptive narrative, similes and metaphors and point-of view.

The World Around You — The World Around Me

Children with learning disabilities; one-half hour to 45 minutes

Nancy shares her books and tells stories based on her years of wildlife observation, rescue and rehabilitation. She encourages children to share their own wildlife or animal stories. Some writing may be involved if time and circumstances permit.



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