Third and Fourth graders from Clayton Elementary School in Delaware become naturalists for a day.
We went to the school's Nature Center, and we recorded the date, time of day and the weather. |
We found a plant or flower to observe close up. |
We recorded colors, shapes and textures. We made sketches with lots of details. |
Then we went back to class and designed our Field Journal pages. |
It was great fun! |
Your own nonfiction picture books!
Nancy worked with 4th, 5th and 6th grade classes to research, storyboard, write, edit, design, illustrate, and fabricate nonfiction picture books. The 4th graders researched the rainforest and illustrated their books using pen & ink, the 5th graders researched weather and illustrated their books using pastels, and the 6th graders researched the ocean and illustrated their books using watercolors.
Each fact was placed on a separate note card, and then arranged in sequence. An outline or web was created, and then a rough draft.
Nancy demonstrates pen & ink techniques to the 4th grade.
Note cards, web, storyboard, and one finished spread.
Using his storyboard as a guide, this 4th grade student prints his text and illustrates a jaguar.
Nancy demonstrates pastel techniques to 5th grade students designing books about an aspect of weather.
Tidal wave!
Hurricane! Note the use of reference photos.
Very nicely done, girls!
Nancy demonstrates watercolor techniques to 6th grade students studying the ocean.
6th grade students refer to both note cards and storyboards when editing their final text down to two or three sentences per page.
A finished cover illustration on sea stars.
6th grade students display their books.